IT Band Syndrome

Iliotibial band syndrome is a condition that can cause pain in the connective tissue around the thigh bone. The ligament that runs from the pelvic bone to the shinbone can become tight and rub against the thigh bone, causing pain. This condition is more common in distance runners.





  • The primary symptom you’ll experience is pain in the area between your hip and knee joints. This discomfort will worsen the more active you are.
  • It’s not uncommon for people to experience pain in their hip, knee, or leg. You might also see some swelling.
  • ITBS is often multifactorial.
  • Long distance running, running on slightly banked ground.
  • Sudden increases in activity levels can also lead to ITBS.
  • Repeated tissue compression leading to irritation is best supported by recent evidence.
  • Weakness of the hip abductor muscles can also contribute to iliotibial band syndrome.

At Kalp Health Care, our wise and empathetic professionals take a transparent and innovative approach to ensure you receive the highest quality care, personalized to your unique health journey.

    • Comprehensive Assessment: Our expert professionals conduct a thorough assessment, which includes:
      • Patient Symptom Evaluation: We listen attentively and patiently to understand your symptoms.
      • Posture Analysis: We assess your posture to identify potential issues.
      • Physical and Functional Assessment: A comprehensive evaluation of your physical health and functionality.
    • In-Depth Evaluation: To ensure a holistic understanding, we consider various factors, such as:
      • Radiological Findings: Incorporating X-Ray, MRI, CT scans, and clinical correlation.
      • Lab Reports: Analyzing laboratory test results for a complete picture.
      • Medication History: Documenting past and current medications.
      • Medical and Surgical History: Understanding your medical journey.
      • Lifestyle Factors: Exploring lifestyle, work patterns, and daily routines.
      • Nutritional Assessment: Evaluating diet and nutrition, emphasizing fibrous foods, minerals, and hydration.
    • Personalized Approach: We believe in patient-centric care, tailoring our assessments and recommendations to your specific needs:
      • Climate Considerations: Recognizing the impact of climate on health.
      • Family History: Considering hereditary factors.
      • Daily Activity: Analyzing your daily routine.
      • Metabolic Assessment: Understanding your metabolic activity.
      • Exercise Routine: Assessing your physical activity regimen.

At Kalp Health Care, we believe in precision and personalization, our wise and empathetic approach ensures that your treatment is innovative, transparent, and, above all, centered around your unique needs and holistic health.That’s why:

Individualized Approach: Our expert team crafts unique treatment protocols for each patient.

Unique Needs: Even if two patients have a similar diagnosis, their treatments are tailored to their specific requirements.

Comprehensive Assessment: We consider not only the diagnosis but also your overall well-being, including physical, mental, emotional, and psychological health.

Holistic Care: Our patient-centric philosophy means that:

A 360-Degree View: We take into account every aspect of your health and life that may impact your well-being.

Emphasis on Well-being: Your treatment plan is designed to address not just physical pain but also your mental and emotional health.

Himanshu Dagar

I have been visiting the clinic for the past two years and my experience has been great. Dr. Kant is very knowledgeable and he treats his patients with full dedication and patience. I underwent treatment for my neck and back pain and I got relief after just a few sessions of dry needling. So, I would recommend everyone to visit KALP HEALTH CARE for any kind of physiotherapy treatment.

Nithya Santhakumar

At the age of 53, a back problem is scary when a doctor tells you that you need 10 days of bed rest or surgery! I went to Kalp expecting the usual steps of physiotherapy, but I couldn't even stand up straight or get out of bed without shooting pain. This is an example of not judging a book by its cover. Dr. Kant is a simple man but a magician when it comes to his treatment. He is passionate and positive about his treatment and knows the human body like the back of his hand. A dedicated team with Dr. Monika and Dr. Rakesh got me on my feet in just 3 days. This is the best treatment I could have asked for!

Vivek Goyal

Dr. Kant and his clinic are excellent in treating muscular and spinal issues - it's very clean and hygienic. Dr. Kant has great understanding and knowledge, quickly reaching to the root of what's wrong and able to provide Relief within a few sessions. I found a solution to my spine problem after seeking treatment from Dr. Kant - I had tried all kinds of treatments before but hadn't been able to find any relief.

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Who is a Kalp Specialist?

Dr. K. K. Kant is the Founder of Kalp Health Care, located in the sub-city of Dwarka, New Delhi.

There are trial & success methods to treat pain but as a seasoned  professionals, we know when and bhow to combine clinical reasoning with manual therapy, modalities, and recent EBP to restore mobility & rejuvenate life.

Dr. K. K. Kant has a keen interest in Ortho – Sports – Spine – Pelvic Floor – Foot field and advanced manual therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most people with IT band syndrome can still walk with it, there may be mild pain or an ache. The time or distance that they can walk for may however be limited as walking for too long may aggravate symptoms. Generally, it is advised to reduce step count, especially important for those who walk a lot, or those who have particularly severe or irritable symptoms

Sitting with crossed legs on the floor, or crossed legs on a chair can aggravate pain because it puts the leg in a position that tightens the IT band. It is best to keep legs uncrossed, and either bent to about 90º or fully straight, as these positions will reduce the tension of the IT band.

On MRI imaging IT band syndrome will show up in most cases. An area of fluid and oedema will show around the lateral femoral condyle and the fat pad under the IT band. In choric cases thickening of the IT band over the lateral femoral condyle might be seen also. If these findings are present on a scan it can confirm a clinical diagnosis of IT band syndrome.

The IT band runs from the outside of our pelvis, over our hip and down the outside of our leg where it inserts into our shin bone. Therefore, a tight IT band will more commonly cause pain at the knee but can also cause hip pain.

Maintaining core and lower extremity strength and flexibility and monitoring your activity best prevents ITBS. It is important to modify your activity and contact your physical therapist soon after first feeling pain. Research indicates that when soft tissues are irritated and the offending activity is continued, the body does not have time to repair the injured area. This often leads to persistent pain, and the condition becomes more difficult to resolve.