Facial Palsy

Bell’s palsy/Facial Palsy is a condition that causes a temporary  paralysis of the muscles in the face. It can occur when the nerve that controls your facial muscles becomes inflamed, swollen or compressed.The condition causes one side of your face to droop or become stiff. You will feel difficulty in  smiling or closing your eye on the affected side.





  • Sometimes person may have a cold shortly before the symptoms of Bell’s palsy begin.
  • Symptoms most often start suddenly, but may take 2 – 3 days to show up. They do not become more severe after that.
  • Gripping and movements of the wrist hurt, especially wrist flexion.
  • Symptoms are almost always on one side only. They may range from mild to severe.
  • The face will feel stiff or pulled to normal side, and may look different.
  • Difficulty eating and drinking; food falls out of one side of the mouth.
  • Drooling due to lack of control over the muscles of the face.
  • Drooping of the face, such as the eyelid or corner of the mouth.
  • Hard to close one eye.
  • Problems smiling, grimacing, or making facial expressions.
  • Twitching or weakness of the muscles in the face.

Other symptoms that may occur:

  • Dry eye or mouth.
  • Headache.
  • Loss of sense of taste.
  • Twitching in face.
  • Sound that is louder in one ear (hyperacusis).
  • Varcella-Zoster virus.
  • Epstein-Barr viruses.
  • HIV infection
  • Lyme disease
  • Middle ear infection
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Trauma
  • Environmental factors
  • Metabolic or emotional disorders
  • Metabolic or emotional disorders
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Viral infections such as herpes, mumps, influenza, a cold, infectious mononucleosis
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Guillain-Barre Syndrome
  • Chronic disease such as diabetes
  • Tumor causing nerve compression
  • Stress
  • Pregnancy

At Kalp Health Care, our wise and empathetic professionals take a transparent and innovative approach to ensure you receive the highest quality care, personalized to your unique health journey.

  • Comprehensive Assessment: Our expert professionals conduct a thorough assessment, which includes:
    • Patient Symptom Evaluation: We listen attentively and patiently to understand your symptoms.
    • Posture Analysis: We assess your posture to identify potential issues.
    • Physical and Functional Assessment: A comprehensive evaluation of your physical health and functionality.
  • In-Depth Evaluation: To ensure a holistic understanding, we consider various factors, such as:
    • Radiological Findings: Incorporating X-Ray, MRI, CT scans, and clinical correlation.
    • Lab Reports: Analyzing laboratory test results for a complete picture.
    • Medication History: Documenting past and current medications.
    • Medical and Surgical History: Understanding your medical journey.
    • Lifestyle Factors: Exploring lifestyle, work patterns, and daily routines.
    • Nutritional Assessment: Evaluating diet and nutrition, emphasizing fibrous foods, minerals, and hydration.
  • Personalized Approach: We believe in patient-centric care, tailoring our assessments and recommendations to your specific needs:
    • Climate Considerations: Recognizing the impact of climate on health.
    • Family History: Considering hereditary factors.
    • Daily Activity: Analyzing your daily routine.
    • Metabolic Assessment: Understanding your metabolic activity.
    • Exercise Routine: Assessing your physical activity regimen.


At Kalp Health Care, we believe in precision and personalization, our wise and empathetic approach ensures that your treatment is innovative, transparent, and, above all, centered around your unique needs and holistic health.That’s why:

Individualized Approach: Our expert team crafts unique treatment protocols for each patient.

Unique Needs: Even if two patients have a similar diagnosis, their treatments are tailored to their specific requirements.

Comprehensive Assessment: We consider not only the diagnosis but also your overall well-being, including physical, mental, emotional, and psychological health.

Holistic Care: Our patient-centric philosophy means that:

A 360-Degree View: We take into account every aspect of your health and life that may impact your well-being.

Emphasis on Well-being: Your treatment plan is designed to address not just physical pain but also your mental and emotional health.


Facial Palsy prevention is possible with these tips. Facial Palsy prevention is an important part of your lifestyle. Here are a few steps to Facial Palsy prevention.

  • You can protect your face from infections by washing your hands before touching your face.
  • Avoid sharing personal items like razors or towels used by others.
  • Keep warm or cold items away from hot or cold areas of your face like heaters or air conditioners.
  • You can cover up certain facial parts by wearing sunglasses or scarves to avoid sunburns.
  • You can also consider wearing face masks when you’re at risk of getting sick.

By taking advantage of these tips, you can prevent facial injury and infection. Facial Palsy prevention is important not just for your health but your appearance.

Himanshu Dagar

I have been visiting the clinic for the past two years and my experience has been great. Dr. Kant is very knowledgeable and he treats his patients with full dedication and patience. I underwent treatment for my neck and back pain and I got relief after just a few sessions of dry needling. So, I would recommend everyone to visit KALP HEALTH CARE for any kind of physiotherapy treatment.

Nithya Santhakumar

At the age of 53, a back problem is scary when a doctor tells you that you need 10 days of bed rest or surgery! I went to Kalp expecting the usual steps of physiotherapy, but I couldn't even stand up straight or get out of bed without shooting pain. This is an example of not judging a book by its cover. Dr. Kant is a simple man but a magician when it comes to his treatment. He is passionate and positive about his treatment and knows the human body like the back of his hand. A dedicated team with Dr. Monika and Dr. Rakesh got me on my feet in just 3 days. This is the best treatment I could have asked for!

Vivek Goyal

Dr. Kant and his clinic are excellent in treating muscular and spinal issues - it's very clean and hygienic. Dr. Kant has great understanding and knowledge, quickly reaching to the root of what's wrong and able to provide Relief within a few sessions. I found a solution to my spine problem after seeking treatment from Dr. Kant - I had tried all kinds of treatments before but hadn't been able to find any relief.

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Who is a Kalp Specialist?

Dr. K. K. Kant is the Founder of Kalp Health Care, located in the sub-city of Dwarka, New Delhi.

There are trial & success methods to treat pain but as a seasoned  professionals, we know when and bhow to combine clinical reasoning with manual therapy, modalities, and recent EBP to restore mobility & rejuvenate life.

Dr. K. K. Kant has a keen interest in Ortho – Sports – Spine – Pelvic Floor – Foot field and advanced manual therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Facial palsy is a condition where the muscles of facial function and expression are paralysed due to injury or disease of the Facial nerve. It can cause difficulty in activities like blinking, smiling, eating, drinking.

Some of the common causes of Facial nerve palsy are:

  • Direct injury due to trauma
  • Benign and malignant tumours of the nerve sheath and surrounding structures.
  • Surgical damage while operating on Parotid gland or other structures close to Facial nerve
  • Intracranial haemorrhage, tumour.
  • Compression due to tumours around the nerve.
  • Stroke
  • Unknowingly cause

Yes. Treatment options depend on the type of facial paralysis you have and how long you’ve been affected. We may still be able to improve your facial function and symmetry. 

Physiotherapy is one of the most important aspects of the treatment of Facial palsy. Physiotherapy is crucial before and after surgery to maintain the tone of the muscles. Some patients like Bell’s palsy patients or partial injury patients might only require physiotherapy alone.

Some people develop tightness or twitching in certain parts of their face as they recover. Botox® and other injections relax your facial muscle. This reduces spasming or twitching and helps your face move more naturally.

Synkinesis is involuntary twitching or movement that happens when you’re trying to move a completely different part of your face. This occurs when the nerve is injured but not cut through.